Will guest blogging still work this 2021?

5 min readMay 1, 2021

Are you looking to build a Strong Brand and Improve your SEO and wondering if Guest Blogging will still help? Check out our views below.

Guest blogging has been a hot topic of debate amongst content marketers for quite some time now. We have heard some conflicting opinions too. But let us give you a short answer first and then we can dive deep into this. The short answer is yes! Guest blogging has some inherent advantages that continue to be relevant.

In the context of this blog, we are talking about your blogs being posted on other websites that are not owned by you. It may be a paid or unpaid engagement and both have their benefits. Guest blogging for a reputed site that is a domain authority is surely going to hold you in good stead. It is not just the brand aspects that are important. Here’s why we think Guest blogging will still work in 2021.

Why guest blogging will still work in 2021

Visibility is King

No matter which year we are in, the overall visibility your brand has in the digital space is still the leading factor that separates the best from the rest. Our digital habits are only growing stronger and so are the numbers on search engines and social media. Given this, the greater visibility you have, the better your chances of leads coming your way.

Guest blogging on popular sites does just this. Your website and your content get more eyeballs. If you can produce great content consistently across many such platforms, brand awareness goes up too. This again adds up to more web traffic through organic search and referrals.

Backlinks are still important

The minutiae might have changed but backlinks are still important when it comes to SEO optimization of your website. Your website builds more credibility when you have popular and credible sources refer to your website. The domain authority of the platforms where you host the content is of importance here.

Context and relevance are the two parameters that have assumed increased importance in SEO. Guest blogging is an ideal option for this. When your content provides value for the audience and also gives you valuable backlinks, it is not a deal you say no to.

Expertise and Credibility

When your content is hosted by domain authority, it is your brand’s credibility that goes up. You can showcase your expertise to a select audience that is interested in consuming content similar to the ones you create. Thought leadership is a valuable currency that you have to deal with. What better way to showcase this than through a guest blog?

As you post more blogs on various websites on similar topics, the audience will automatically start noticing you. This is a great prompt for organic traffic and even potential customers may be tempted to check you out.

Widens your network

The blogs or sites that you are considering for guest blogging would certainly be a platform that has an audience of professionals in the same domain as yours. They may be potential customers, direct competition, experts in the domain, and possibly even potential partners. It is always good to stay on top of what is going on in the industry and these contacts help you understand that.

It is very easy to fall into the trap of falling in love with your ideas, especially if you are an up-and-coming business. These conversations help you get a better read on the market you are potentially selling to. Being able to showcase your views through content on these platforms is a great way to build your network in the community.

Now that we have discussed the reasons why it would still be an important part of the content marketer’s agenda, let us look at what are the things to keep in mind to get the best out of your guest blogging adventure

What to keep in mind when you are guest blogging

Choose the host platform wisely

A lot of the success of guest blogging depends on the site where you are hosting your blog. There are brand considerations to keep in mind. Always think if your guest blog is going to increase your credibility and visibility. It could very well be that the host platform is the beneficiary in some cases, especially if you are a known name in the domain.

As we discussed above, the value that backlinks depends on the credibility of the domain where it resides. Always try to do the most amount of blogging for a site with a wider reach and domain authority. One way to check this is to see the other authors who have hosted their blogs there.

The value you give is still the most important factor

Whatever content you create, the ultimate measure of success is how valuable it is to the audience. If this remains the key focus even when you are guest blogging, you are in a good place. Bringing your practitioner perspective and having the conviction in your beliefs will show in every content you write. Don’t let this quality drop because it’s a guest blog. Rather, pay more attention.

Apply the same rules as you would apply to your internal content. Conversion should be your key goal. Find a way to include keywords and other SEO requirements but also ensure that it is contextual and relevant. Add contextual CTAs that compels the audience to explore further.

Your blog is still important

Guest blogging allows you to showcase your content in front of a larger audience. It may sure get you web traffic and maybe even a few leads in the short term. The responsibility of making it work in the long term still rests on your content marketing efforts. It takes more than one touchpoint to finally convert a visitor.

Keeping this in mind, invest in creating a sustainable and efficient content marketing framework for your brand. This is going to be your best bet in the long term. Through a conversion-oriented approach, you can create long-term value. Guest blogging is a great tool to augment your efforts. It is not a substitute.


Guest blogging still retains its relevance in content marketing. The demand for content is only growing. Having an expansive digital presence is today the surest way to take your business to greater heights. Guest blogs help you here.

While we have spoken mostly about blogs, guest blogging could be viewed with a wider lens. You can also include other forms of content engagement like videos, courses, and being a guest speaker in podcasts all fall under the same category. Guest blogging is still relevant in 2021. And we can safely assume that this remains the story for a few years to come, at the very least.

About the Guest Blogger

Robb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan.

Originally published at https://globalowls.com on May 1, 2021.




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